IRCTC introduces 48 premium trains with online-only ticket booking

IRCTC has announced 48 new premium trains with dynamic ticket pricing and reservation features which bars the agents. Ticket booking for the 48 premium trains can be performed online only and they will offer AC Tier-2 and AC Tier-3 coaches with Rajdhani trains like facilities that include catering. The ticket pricing pattern will be very similar to the one followed by the airlines – shoots up with the rise in the demand. No concession, no wait-list and no access to the agents for ticket booking for these premium trains. However, the fares of the tickets are expected to be slightly higher than the usual ticket prices. LINK

Retiring Rooms in railway stations, that could only be booked manually till now, can now be reserved via IRCTC website between 11:30 pm and 00:30 am (LOL?). Currently available only in Mumbai but it plans to add other stations of tourist interest and metropolitan cities soon. Link